7 Great Tips for your next Job Interview

Gestionnaires1. Have the look of the position to be filled.

To many candidates show up as if they rang the wrong office or as if the applied to the wrong position!

2. Do not answer more than what is asked.

Some people when nervous talk way too much! So much that they themselves give the interviewer the reasons not to keep them for the next step.

3. Smile!

So many candidates look as if they were at a funeral! Be open, be yourself and SMILE.

4. Know your own resume by heart!

Candidates when questioned talk about their experiences as if they were someone else’s, especially with regards to dates.

5. Do your homework: Review thoroughly the job posting and the company’s website before the meeting.

6. At the end of the interview, ask “what is the next step?”

7. When you get home, send a short email thank you note.
This shows that you go to the end of your actions and consider the time and attention that was given to you.
