Winter blues: Climb out of your hole!

epuisement_auto-jobs.caYou grab your briefcase, open the front door; it’s cold, dark, freezing and bleak, just like you. Could you be suffering from a bout of seasonal depression?

Seasonal depression affects a fair number of individuals at this time of year, especially 18-45 year-old women. Excessive appetite and overall tiredness, noticeable drop in energy and increased irritability are just a few of the warning signs of this ailment that thrives during the dreary winter season.

Instead of imitating a hibernating bear and digging in until springtime, check out the following tips, they may help you recharge your batteries:

– Put a little sunshine into your life! Go outside, whatever the temperature, and benefit from the natural light. For more extreme cases, add a few sessions of light therapy.

– Move it! Play sports or participate in group activities, or even better, involve your friends. Nothing beats releasing those endorphins, which are beneficial for both body and soul.

– Eat right! Try adding multivitamins or certain health foods that are known to boost the spirits. Add citrus fruits and omega-3 to your diet.

– Relaxation! Take a well-deserved break and relax both mind and body before hitting the sack. Read a good book or your favorite magazine to the sound of relaxing music.

– Spoil yourself! Treat yourself to some chocolate, go shopping, get a massage, fly down South or try a few yoga sessions.
