Recruiting and vacations…Be a Sly Fox!

Chercheur d'emploiTraditionally, the majority of automotive industry employers put their recruitment efforts on hold during the summer vacation period, convinced that job offers will remain unnoticed. While it is true that the pool of candidates may be smaller, top candidates are always searching for better opportunities!

This time of year, most businesses are in ʺvacationʺ mode, as are their customers. So, while on the one hand, those looking for new challenges have more time to search for job offers and participate in interviews, on the other hand, competitors are taking things easy, so the market is less competitive.

In addition, recruitment professionals have more time to refine their selection process, so businesses can benefit from a unique opportunity to choose candidates that match their specific requirements and are more likely to fit in with the existing team.

Another important factor to consider is the newcomer will benefit from a more gradual integration and training processes by making sure they spend quality time with mentors, colleagues, and other important members of the team during this slower period. This fully-trained, productive new employee will be ready and able when business returns to its normal pace.

These examples are the perfect illustration of the tremendous value that a year-round recruitment process can deliver. While others are lazing on the beach, your business may have landed that amazing new employee that will allow you to take a longer vacation… come September!
