Dealing with psychological harassment at work

35821986_mIdentifying psychological harassment in the workplace isn’t always easy, as its subtle and insidious nature often makes it hard to detect, but both employees and managers share equal responsibility in stopping it at all costs.

First, the distinction must be made between pressure and psychological harassment, as certain automotive industry positions come with their fair share of tension. In this case, we are talking about repeated, offensive attacks against an individual causing anxiety and stress while creating a tense work environment.

What can you do when an individual singles you out and takes out their frustrations on you? The first thing to keep in mind is the fact that jealousy is often the prime motivation for this behaviour, resulting from either a lack of confidence or even psychological problems.

When the first signs of psychological harassment appear, it is important to act immediately. Avoid any guilty feelings while making sure not to rationalize the hurtful behaviour or comments that were issued directly or indirectly to you by a colleague or supervisor.

The first thing to do is to confront the person directly and demand an explanation. What exactly are they holding against you? Why are they constantly issuing these types of derogatory comments? Are they aware of the effect this behaviour has on you?

Maybe they will admit there incorrect behaviour and you will resolve the conflict. If this isn’t the case, talk to someone in the company who you trust and do not hesitate to file a complaint.

Don’t wait for things to degenerate to the point of no return. Trust yourself and never let anyone belittle or ridicule you, as psychological harassment in the workplace can lead to dire consequences.
